REACTION - Kaitlyn Dever’s casting as Abby must serve as a stark reminder about boundaries
Duck and dive the asshats.
By Jonathan Garrett
The Last of Us: Part 2 is a thrilling and oftentimes harrowing experience that took some bold narrative swings with lasting consequences. Whatever emotions you felt playing it, and whether or not it spoke to your personal taste, no-one can deny the ambition of Naughty Dog’s follow up to arguably one of the finest games ever made. It certainly sparked a lot of conversation, which all art should aim to do.
Laura Bailey’s Abby, for example, was complicated without pretence and had a clear motivation throughout the narrative. This didn’t stop the loud minority of basement dwelling scrotum sacks from targeting her with vicious, unthinkable abuse simply because a CHARACTER that she portrayed did something they didn’t like. Given the ongoing popularity of the franchise, and today’s announcement that Kaitlyn Dever would be taking on the role of Abby in HBO’s adaption of the Last of Us, it’s so important that she is surrounded by people who have her wellbeing at heart.
That means limiting exposure to the inevitable backlash, and enough loud voices associated with the project who are willing to call out these fanboy clowns and put them in their place. We wish her, and everyone involved with the project, all the best for the upcoming Season 2!
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