REACTION - Crystal Dynamics Helping With Perfect Dark Will Lead To A Better Outcome

Teamwork makes the dream work. By Jay Tee 27/09/21

Teamwork makes the dream work.

By Jay Tee

It’s no secret that Xbox’s first party infrastructure during the “XB1 TV TV TV” era was lacking in both diversity and consistency, with only a handful of studios producing sequels to established franchises, and a release schedule that was fairly sporadic. Fast forward to today, and Microsoft’s stable of developers is both diverse and numerous thanks to a series of big boy acquisitions.

As part of that spending spree, Microsoft also established The Initiative, a brand new studio staffed by industry veterans and tasked them with reimaging Perfect Dark. Despite some behind the scenes personnel shuffling, things seemed to be on track. But it’s likely that Joanna Dark’s return is actually further away, with the news that Crystal Dynamics is supporting them on the project.

What some folks might deem to be cause for alarm, the rational amongst us simply see a logical partnership; CD are a well established team, and The Initiative is still in its infancy. Most big budget, AAA titles these days are assembled by multiple production houses (just look at the credits for stuff like Assassin’s Creed and The Last of Us and you’ll see what we mean), so if it makes the finished product a stronger, more polished affair, then we’re all for it.


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