SHOUT OUT - Relic Hunters Legend looks like a refined slice of twin stick action
A good feeling.
By Jonathan Garrett
NOTE: thatHITBOX Shout Out’s are not sponsored content. They’re games, developers, individuals, or issues that we want to highlight and share purely out of interest.
So much of what we do is built on an instinctual gut reaction to something that captures our attention; a left field side swipe of surprise and further research that inevitably leads to something satisfying and wholesome. Relic Hunters Legend hadn’t been on our radar, but after a recent character reveal (alongside plentiful gameplay footage), this looks set to be the twin stick shooter we’ve been looking for.
Relic Hunters Legend is building on a legacy of 2D predecessors and taking the leap with a sort of hybrid approach to its 3D level design. Online co-op immediately caught our eye, and even though it’s PC only, I reckon there’s a good chance a console port or three is on the stove for a later unveiling, especially since a redux of previous game Relic Hunters Zero has already released on Switch.
For now, we’ve been told to expect more character focused trailers that delve into the lore (there’s already an animated short and comic book tie in!), and given the decidedly “Knights and Bikes” vibes we’re getting from the art style, you can bet we’ve got a Vulcan eyebrow raised in anticipation.
Source: Character Spotlight - Jimmy