REACTION - Free Republic Commando Theme Prompts Important Question: Where Is The Sequel?!

Open, breach, and clear on Trooper. By Jay Tee 30/03/21

Open, breach, and clear on Trooper.

By Jay Tee

Free stuff is great. No-one is denying that. So with Aspyr releasing a bunch of free PS4 avatars and themes (claimable via their site), in support of their upcoming re-release of Star Wars: Republic Commando on April 6th, how can one be annoyed? It’s delightful to see the criminally underrated shooter be given a new lease of life, with some console customisation thrown in for added spice.

But at the same time, I’m left wanting more. With the reestablishment of LucasFilm Games, and their willingness to partner with devs beyond EA, there has never been a better time to give Republic Commando the campaign co-op, Unreal Engine 4, cross platform, Bad Batch tie in sequel it so richly deserves…

I’ve clearly given this a lot of thought.

Perhaps this port is testing the waters? We’ll see what lies ahead.


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