SHOUT OUT - Analogue 3D is a perfectly pitched love letter to a magical time
Nostalgia in 4K.
By Jonathan Garrett
NOTE: Shout Out’s are not sponsored content. They’re games, developers, individuals, or issues that we want to highlight and share purely out of interest.
The slow march toward retro console hardware failure is a threatening death knell that creeps ever closer. It’s a race between the controllers, cartridge reader, and motherboard for which will go first, and given that most platforms and titles in their original form are long out of print, it is becoming increasingly likely that entire generations of art will be lost to time.
Then the Analogue 3D gets announced and delivers us from evil. A home console follow up to their Pocket device (which brought together three generations of Game Boy games into one machine), the Analogue 3D is an N64 on WiFi enabled steroids. Full compatibility with the entire library of cartridges, support for original controllers and Bluetooth equivalents, and the ability to save and screenshot any game (much like the Switch Online collection).
It’s a dream come true for retro enthusiasts who, like me, grew up on gaming during the N64 era. The price is hefty at $249, but aside from a rapidly aging OG box, this appears to be the one solution to a problem that isn’t going away. If a GameCube ends up factoring in to their future plans, then we’ll be waiting in the wings with our mini discs ready to rock.
At the bottom of some of our articles, you’ll see a series of absurd looking images (with equally stupid, in joke laden names). These are the TARP badges, which represent our ‘Totally Accurate Rating Platform’. They allow us to identify specific things, recognise positive or negative aspects of a games design, and generally indulge our consistent silliness with some visual tomfoolery.