SHOUT OUT - Spine goes beyond a John Wick simulator to carve its own identity
Flick that magazine reload.
SHOUT OUT - PS5 Pro clearly serves a niche market but has launched with strong support
Justification stations.
SHOUT OUT - I Am Your Beast evokes the jolliest AA experiences of yesteryear
What we’re searching for.
SHOUT OUT - Ubisoft have set the bar for remasters with Beyond Good and Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition
A laundry list of success.
TINY SCOOP - Knockout City has a brighter future than we originally thought
Desperate for a nug.
SHOUT OUT - Hypercharge: Unboxed has sold 100K copies on Xbox, and represents a second wind worth celebrating
Well ain’t that something nice.
TINY SCOOP - Beyond Good and Evil 2 still exists, and that makes us very happy
Clutching at straws.
SHOUT OUT - South of Midnight was a charming surprise that led the pack
We eating good tonight, baby.
COMMENTARY - Mid tier pricing in the double A space is what the industry needs to break the rut
Give our wallets a chance.
SHOUT OUT - Moon Samurai looks like a perfect combination of grimy cyberpunk aesthetic and pacey combat
It’s all in the pixels, baby.
SHOUT OUT - Jump Ship getting to 100K Steam wishlists is a win for co-op space jolliness
The United Federation of Fun.
PIPE DREAMS - Luigi’s Mansion 4 would be the perfect balm to restore an industry in turmoil
Bring back some jolliness, please?!