SHOUT OUT - Ubisoft have set the bar for remasters with Beyond Good and Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition

A laundry list of success.

By Jonathan Garrett

NOTE: thatHITBOX Shout Out’s are not sponsored content. They’re games, developers, individuals, or issues that we want to highlight and share purely out of interest.

We should acknowledge straight out the gate that Beyond Good and Evil is our all time favourite classic title. It’s a sweeping and deeply personal story, supported by smartly iterated (if not particularly original) mechanics and a world that entices you to poke around. News that the oft leaked and much delayed 20th Anniversary edition would finally be gracing us with its presence was certainly welcome indeed.

What we didn’t expect was the thoughtfulness that has gone into every facet of its being; everything from the <£20 asking price, to the comprehensive texture overhaul and BG&E2 tie ins show that Ubisoft understood the assignment. Mechanically, Beyond Good and Evil has aged beautifully, and the noticeable glow up only serves to enhance an already great experience.

If this level of care is what we can anticipate from the world’s longest in development follow up then we’ll be in for something special. Inclusion of characters and nods in this remaster to BG&E2 gives me hope that it’s not vapourware and we will indeed get to immerse ourselves in this distinctive world once again.


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