TINY SCOOP - Knockout City has a brighter future than we originally thought

Desperate for a nug.

By Jonathan Garrett

TINY SCOOP? These are potential stories that we think have been discovered by thatHITBOX, but don’t ever break embargo’s or NDA’s. We also flat out refuse to spoil any new game announcements, or add false credence to rumours generated from other sources. If a Tiny Scoop has already been reported elsewhere first, we will endeavour to update our coverage.

After a flurry of game announcements by Velan Studios this week, they finally addressed the dodgeball sized elephant in the room. The future of Knockout City was in no way a sure fire bet given the ending of support for the original masterpiece. A private server version on PC was an appreciated nod to fans dedication, but otherwise the series was all but dormant.

Until now. Buried deep* within the bowels of their most recent news update for Midnight Murder Club and Bounce Arcade was a quotation of dreams. “Rest assured we love KO City as much as you do and want to bring it back, *just not yet*”. This was followed by “We love that world and can’t imagine not going back to it at some point, when the time is right”.

Non-committal? Sure. Vague? Definitely. Lacking substance? You betcha. Is this article a bit of a reach? Stretch it out, baby! Still, it’s the first time since Knockout City was sun-setted in the middle of last year that Velan have openly acknowledged a desire to revisit their glorious dodge brawler. They’ve earned our respect as one of the best independent devs in the business, and we can’t wait to see what they’re cooking.

* it was readily available and not hidden in any way shape or form.

Source: Velan Studios.


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