SHOUT OUT - Eden’s Guardian is an immediately arresting and well presented Kickstarter that has already smashed its initial funding target
Swift manoeuvre.
By Jonathan Garrett
NOTE: thatHITBOX Shout Out’s are not sponsored content. They’re games, developers, individuals, or issues that we want to highlight and share purely out of interest.
There’s a vibrant community surrounding Kickstarter videogame development, and there have been innumerable successes where passionate devs with equally well intentioned pitches have found a ravenous audience willing to take a punt. We always like to check in on various crowdfunded offerings, and see what’s fresh on the platform.
One title that recently caught our eye: Eden’s Guardian, a side scrolling Metroidvania that has well and truly blown through several stages of funding with 15 days still to go at the time of writing. The page itself is exceptionally designed, with a lot of depth to the character design, gameplay mechanics, and lore of the world. As is customary for most cleverly prepped Kickstarter campaigns, there’s a mix of physical and digital perks on offer depending on your funding tier.
It’s so easy to get this wrong. For as healthy as Kickstarter is for burgeoning indie talent looking to carve out a space for themselves, there are just as many flaccid and phoned in attempts that fail to capture meaningful attention that inevitably lead to failure. It takes a certain level of quality to elevate above the noise, and developer Voragine Game Studio have certainly done that.
You can check out their Kickstarter campaign here.
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